ABCD-i: These technologies will dominate 2019

With rapidly changing technology and fast as lightening technological advancements, it becomes necessary to gauge the effect certain technologies will have in our future. It is imperative to understand which technologies will shape the future. And this is exactly what CyberMedia Research (CMR) does. CyberMedia Research came out with Technology Trends Dossier 2019. It is a comprehensive view of technologies that would be the most disruptive in the next 2 to 3 years. And it says that ABCD-i would be the most disruptive technologies for the next couple of years. These are AI, Blockchain, Cloud, Data Analytics, and IoT.

The Report on ABCD-i:

The technologies comprising of ABCD-i are nothing new to the world. However, there have been significant advancements in them lately to term them as disruptive. According to CMR, these technologies have not deployed in a widespread manner and are still in the developing phases. Massive growth could be seen in these areas in 2 to 3 years. And this is not only the view of the general public. According to the Technology Trends Dossier 2019, this is the viewpoint of some of India’s leading CIOs, CTOs, CxOs, and industry experts from various fields and industries. These specialists deem ABCD-i to be highly impactful in the upcoming years, especially in 2019.

It is not difficult to see where these viewpoints emerge from. CES 2019 has just concluded and there were various technologies previewed related to ABCD-i. Driverless cars, which have been in the news lately, are a product of AI and IoT. Recommendations on Netflix and Youtube are the result of Data Analytics and Cloud Computing. Cryptocurrency is possible due to blockchain technology which is now expanding to other domains like hosting apps, etc. All of this shows the infancy which these technologies with limitless potential are now at. And, it is just a matter of time before we see something out of science fiction which is a product of ABCD-i. To read what the specialists have said in CMR’s report, click here.


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