Workplace Security: 4 Strategies to Protect Your Employees and Property

Workplace violence—threats, verbal abuse, physical assault, and homicide—is on the rise. A recently published article in IndustryWeek revealed that workplace violence affects over a million Americans each year.

One in four respondents of a 2024 survey admit to witnessing violence in the workplace in the last five years. Twelve percent have been the target themselves. Disturbingly, 400 to 500 homicides take place in the U.S. each year while the victims are at work.

These statistics underscore the urgent need for comprehensive strategies and preventative measures to address and mitigate the risks associated with workplace violence.

Workplace Security

Here, we’ll walk you through some of the best practices that will help you protect your employees as well as your property.

#1 Use a Visitor Management System

Your first line of defense is your front desk. It’s the area where visitors first interact with your office environment. Therefore, implementing security measures in your front desk is important.

Consider using a robust visitor management system. It will add an extra layer of security to your workplace. You can keep track of people entering or visiting your office premises.

Traditional pen-and-paper logbooks required visitors to manually enter entries such as name, date, reason for visit, and check-in and check-out times.

Visitor management software, however, has streamlined the process by allowing for contactless check-ins and badge printing. All you have to do is send a pre-registration form to them, which they can fill out from their devices anytime they want. Once they arrive at your premises, all they will have to do is scan a QR code to complete their check-in.

A visitor management system automatically sends a notification to the team members whenever a guest checks in. As your visitor records are digitally maintained, you can view them whenever you want.

It also keeps those details secure and confidential. You can, as Greetly explains, configure the system to limit access to visitor data. Since only a few trusted individuals will access the data, the possibility of data breaches will be low.

#2 Install Surveillance Cameras

Your office is unlikely to be a crime scene on Law & Order. Still, it’s important to have surveillance cameras on the premises. Installing them will help you create a safe work environment for your employees.

Surveillance cameras deter people from trespassing on your office premises. They also keep track of who’s coming into the premises and what’s going on in your office.

Place surveillance cameras strategically throughout the premises. Install cameras in key areas, such as entry and exit points, hallways, parking lots, and high-value areas like server rooms or storage facilities. Opt for high-definition cameras with wide-angle views and night vision capabilities. Such cameras capture everything clearly regardless of lighting conditions.

You can further enhance the functionality of the camera by integrating motion sensors or analytics software. Your security personnel will be notified in real time if suspicious activity takes place on the premises.

#3 Plan for Emergencies

Every workplace must prepare for emergencies. They occur when you least expect them and can wreak havoc if your employees don’t act fast. Thus, make sure to have a plan in place to handle emergencies. These could include snow storms, fires or natural disasters, or external threats like an intruder.

Perform a comprehensive risk assessment to detect possible threats. Then, craft a comprehensive emergency response plan that outlines procedures for each scenario. Your plan must include assembly points, evacuation routes, and communication protocols. Make every employee familiar with the plan through regular training sessions and drills.

Ensure your office is well-stocked with emergency supplies such as first aid kits, flashlights, and provisions of food and water. Hence, stock them so that employees can sustain themselves during an emergency situation.

#4 Install Smart Lockers

Smart lockers have already made their way into accountancy firms, financial institutions, and hospitals. A few corporate offices have also turned to smart lockers to provide secure storage solutions to employees. Consider installing them on your premises.

These lockers are storage containers that connect to the Internet through IoT (Internet of Things) technology. Smart lockers allow employees to keep their belongings and retrieve them using their phones or a smartcard.

A significant upside of smart lockers is that they prevent unauthorized access to sensitive items or documents. Only those who are granted access to the locker can view sensitive documents. These lockers also track usage patterns and provide audit trails, enabling administrators to monitor locker activity and identify suspicious behavior.

To sum things up, protecting your employees as well as your property should be your top priority. The strategies discussed above will help you maximize safety in your workplace. Hence, implement them to create a safe and secure environment for your employees, visitors, and assets.

However, the key to maintaining effective security is ongoing assessment and adaptation. Therefore, consistently review your security protocols, pinpoint areas needing enhancement, and remain updated on evolving risks.


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