5 Compelling Reasons to Migrate your Business Data to the Cloud

Whatever your chosen industry and wherever you happen to be based in Australia, your business is constantly facing challenges; rising costs, increased competition and an ever-changing business environment.

Business Data to the Cloud

If you are still storing your business data on your office PC hard drives and have never considered migrating to the cloud, here are a few compelling reasons to switch to a secure cloud network.

1. Global access

When you create a secure cloud network, all relevant parties can access the data from any location. You might, for example, be in New Zealand and you need last quarter’s sales figures; no problem, as you can access your network using your smartphone browser and download the document. You don’t need specific software to access the cloud, any browser will do and by setting up permissions, all authorised personnel have a username and password.

2. Zero downtime

Your cloud is online 24/7 and with the best UPS Australia has to offer, you and your employees can access data at any time. You can update files in real time, delete and move items, much like on a regular PC, which keeps everyone on the same page.

3. Real-time collaboration

Using VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), you can enjoy real-time video calls with anyone on the planet; real time updates eliminate error and all parties can access the latest versions. If you have depots and offices across Australia, the cloud will revolutionize your business by connecting every department in real time. Click here to find out how to deal with 100% disk usage on Windows 10.

4. Save resources

All office PCs and other terminals are hooked up to the cloud, so they do not need to store data and that frees up computing resources, allowing employees to work faster. High-spec PCs are expensive and when you’re on the cloud, you don’t need hi-end hardware, which is a welcome change to spending more money.

5. Bank-grade cyber-security

The managed IT services provider uses bank-grade cyber-security, which ensures your data is always safe. Today’s hackers are very sophisticated and they are always on the lookout for unprotected networks, of which there are many. As your business grows, so will your cloud network, as the system is fully scalable; much like a website, a cloud network is never completed, rather it is a constant work in progress.

If you would like to learn more about cloud data storage and how it can help your business, start by searching the web for Australia’s leading IT services provider and let the experts show you the many features. There is no costly hardware to install and your data sits on the servers of a remote company and is always accessible. Boost efficiency and streamline your business processes by migrating to the cloud and you definitely won’t regret it!


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