Home News Cornerstone’s Revolutionary VR Technology

Cornerstone’s Revolutionary VR Technology

Cornerstone’s latest VR technology allows the social workers to experience abuse; through any child’s eyes– a step was taken to prevent gang crime.

Cornerstone took this massive leap of technology; one of the pioneers of this VR technology. Cornerstone is in conversation with London boroughs; aiming to prevent gangs from unwittingly exploiting innocent children. Also to offer a helping hand to the deradicalize Muslim teenagers.

This revolutionary piece of technology is useful for over 30 local organizations and authorities. It will provide the social workers, teachers, and the judges of the district a better sense of understanding about the requirements of the children under care. Also, help teenagers who are on the verge of extreme dangers.

Revolutionary VR Technology – says CAFCASS

This smart programme is the first of its kind. This features the use of VR headsets by social workers, teachers, etc. They can experience the abuses and the neglection faced by children, through their eyes directly. This technology was termed to be “ revolutionary” by the head of the Children and Family Court Advisory Service (CAFCASS); which stands for the children in care. Anthon Douglas mentioned in her speech that, ” Foster carers, adoptive carers, and parents can understand; the impact of major family issues like neglect and domestic abuse much quicker. In a much deeper way through immersion in a VR experience than is possible through conventional learning programmes. I strongly believe that VR can have a similar positive impact on many of the social issues we face in Britain today”.

Helen Costa, Cornerstone’s CEO mentioned that; ” We have been talking to those councils most affected by violent youth crime, such as Lambeth; who are willing to look outside the box to see how we can apply; what we’ve achieved in children social care. To the escalating issues of knife crime and youth crime and that’s our next massive challenge.”

Helen Costa also said,“ We think harnessing the power of virtual reality to both engage and challenge kid’s perspectives will help them to make better life choices and as the leaders in VR based behavior change, we are well placed to take on such an ambitious but worthwhile project.”

The latest VR program consists of around 12 episodes; which give a detailed, visceral insight into the several cases of abuse and the neglection faced by the children.



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