Home Son of Internet Black Ops Cold War: Top 5 Tips for Beginners

Black Ops Cold War: Top 5 Tips for Beginners

Call of Duty’s Black Ops Cold War is the latest releases of first-person shooters. The game has a story mode that has several popular characters from the original Black Ops. Black Ops Cold War is a fantastic multiplayer with gameplay and speed that makes it popular.

The game can be challenging, especially for beginners. It might also be difficult for experienced players at a time because of its movement and other dynamics. The players should adhere to the realistic style of the game.

However, beginners can excel in the game with correct guidance and skills. You can take extra measures to ensure that other players do not pose a threat to you for Call of Duty at AimClub helps you win the matches. Here is the list of are the top 5 tips for beginners to play Black Ops Cold War.

Black Ops Cold War

1. Slow down

Do you know Black Ops Cold War is a fast-paced game? However, it would be best if you slowed down while taking positions based on the game modes. Delay will also take place while sprinting when the gun can aim as compared to aim standing still. So, let me tell you that slowing down can be a help while going to an objective. However, speed plays a significant role during fights. Knowing when to go fast and slow matters the most. Enabling the slowdown and ‘strafing aim assist setting’ can help you make accurate kills in the game. Black Ops Cold War rewards players who play slow and smart. The time to kill is longer in the game. So, remember to keep shooting until your enemies are dead in the meantime.

2. Settings

As a beginner, you might ignore the settings from the start. The default settings may suit you, but you should explore the settings in the initial phase. You can play private matches with different settings to know which does you the best. You will be happy to know that a Field of View Slider has been introduced in Black Ops Cold War. While adjusting the FOV slider, remember, setting a higher bar can make you lose more frames. Audio boosts and sensitivity settings are crucial in the game. Having the perfect settings can bring a difference to your match. Stick settings and button layout are also necessary. Button settings like bumper jumper tactical can allow you to jump and crouch without much affecting the aim.

3. Use different weapons

Maps in Black Ops Cold War can vary a lot. It would be beneficial to try out different weapons to fit the playstyle or map in the short and long term. There are a variety of weapons like MP5 (SMG), Pelington 703 (Sniper Rifle), M16 (Tactical Rifle), and XM4 (Assault Rifle). Keep a note on the best weapons in the game currently. It is also crucial for you to choose and use secondary weapons available in the game correctly. When the primary weapon runs out of bullets, you should take out the shotgun or pistol to get a kill for picking another weapon. It would be best if you took advantage of shotguns as these cannot be crushed easily. 

4. Slide canceling

Slide canceling is an advanced feature in Black Ops Cold War. It means aiming, sliding, and jumping to cancel the slide and gain momentum while aiming a shot. The mechanic is also useful for moving around the map quickly.  It is helpful to move around corners. You should also find the best time to sprint as it can easily get you eliminated when caught while sprinting. Though run and gun is the most apt style used by the players, you can also use stuns and grenades. You can drop the stun first and see if it kills somebody or not while you are on a kill streak and have the fear that a camper might be inside the room.

5. Attachments

Attachments in the weapons can make a big difference to the game. New weapons are unlocked as the weapon levels up. It is vital to choose the correct attachment, and most of the time, it is crucial to aim down sight speed. Utilize landing headshots as much as possible, as it helps lower the time to kill significantly. Lasers will not take away your position in the game. So, do not be afraid to attach them to your weapons. Black Ops Cold War does not have a weapon flinch. So, remember, your weapon and aim will not move when an enemy starts firing at you.


That is all! The above tips will help you gain an advantage in Black Ops Cold War as a beginner. You will be able to compete with your opponents during the match and end up winning the game. Enjoy your match!






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