Home Son of Internet 8 Best Android Emulators for Windows PC

8 Best Android Emulators for Windows PC

Want to run Android OS on Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 laptops? Android Emulator is the answer to that. There are many Android Emulators available online, but, picking the best one can be a tedious task. Maybe you’re an Android developer or a gamer looking to play HD Games on a bigger screen, requirements for every user is different. So, to make your task of picking the best Android emulator easy, we’ve compiled a list of best Android emulators that are available on Windows PC with detailed features and descriptions. Let’s dig in.

1. Nox App Player

best Android emulators nox player

If you’re looking for an Emulator to play only games, then Nox App Player is the one to go with. Not all phones can run games in HD, games like Asphalt and NOVA require a lot of CPU and graphical processing which only high spec’d phones can handle. Well, Emulators like Nox App Player is the best alternative for users that don’t have a high spec’d phone and want to play such games in HD.

Some of its features include virtual location functionality which allows location-based games like Pokemon Go and Ingress to run as per required, support multiple instances of users, key mapping tool as mentioned in the previous emulator and an inbuilt video-recorder and macro reader.

The application is completely free to use. And, with high rating giving by its users, Nox player as high compatibility with all the apps which helps it make it to this list of best Android emulators.

Download Nox App Player (Free)

2. Bluestacks

Bluestacks is one of the most known Emulators and one of the early pioneers on the list. It has grown a lot in the past years and a huge community of developers and gamers have come together with this Emulator. Containing all set of features that you would expect from an Android Emulator, it also has Google Play Store pre-installed so you can download any app you like you would you on your mobile.

Apart from running apps and playing games, Bluestacks has some features that none of the emulators in this list provides. Features include live-stream to Twitch and live-stream to Facebook Live using Bluestacks TV. It also has the multitasking feature just like an actual Android phone.

It also has a key mapping tool that allows your keyboard click and mouse actions to be mapped with Android action like tap, swipe, and tilt. This can be especially useful while playing strategy games like Clash Royal and Clash of Clans.

It has a huge repository of apps and games on its website. At first glance, it might look like that it is mostly used for games but it is also used by developers to test their apps.

If you’re looking to go with the free version of the app then Ads will surely annoy you, otherwise the Premium version should be a great choice if you’re used to with the Emulator.

Being one of the first Android emulators, Bluestacks has got it all to stand firm on this list of best Android Emulators.

Download Bluestacks (Free)

Also Read: Root BlueStacks 3 for Android

3. Genymotion

For all you developers out there, Genymotion shouldn’t be a new name. It is widely known as a great alternative to Google’s Android Studio Emulator. However, the application can also be useful for the average Joe. It can emulate most of the popular Android phones and can it also gives you the option to choose the Android version.

Being a freemium emulator, Genymotion provides a camera, GPS coordinates and battery level settings in its Free version. Going premium will unlock all of its features which include screencasting and remote controlling of Genymotion from your Android phone. It also plugins for Android Studio, IntelliJ and IDEA, and Eclipse which can be helpful to developers.

Genymotion also a cloud version which allows you to access the emulator right from the web browser without installing any software. You’ll have to request a demo of it though.

Download Genymotion (Free, Premium version for enterprise)

4. Remix OS Player

Remix OS has been popular for a long time and their makers have made it even simpler for the users to access the OS. Now, you don’t have to install it on a virtual machine software or dual boot it with Windows, you can access it directly through their new Remix OS Player. It’s a special emulator for their Remix OS.

It has all the features that you would expect from an Android Emulator. Want to play multiple games or do some other casual task like sending emails or chatting, Remix OS can fulfill all your requirements. Not to forget that it runs Remix OS, so, you can make full use of its unique features which include drag and drop of items from one window to another, open multiple apps and games simultaneously in different windows and many more.

You can also map your keyboard keys and mouse actions with Android’s native actions. Apart from that, it also has many under the hood improvements for better gaming performance. Also, the best part is that it supports Google Play Store, so, you have access to all the apps. However, an Android developer can also leverage from its debugging ability which includes manual settings for Signal Strength, battery percentage levels, location and many other settings that are helpful for development.

Remix OS has gained large popularity and so does the Remix OS player which makes it a strong contender to be called amongst the best Android emulators.

Download Remix OS Player (Free)

5. Memu Play

Well, Android Emulators are mostly used by Gamers for better Gaming experience as it allows you to play the game on a larger screen and with better performance. So, for you gamers out there, Memu Play is another Android emulator that will give you the ultimate Android gaming experience on your Windows PC/Laptop.

With Play Store pre-loaded, Memu is easy to use Emulator which associate APK file on your OS with itself. So, if you have any APK file, it will automatically open on Memu Play. It boasts of features like Keyboard mapping, screenshot tool, full-screen mode, screen recording, quick kill process tool and many more. There’s also an interesting tool called “Operation recording“. It allows you to record specific collection of keystrokes/taps and swipes so that you can repeat it again by just click one button. Very helpful for repetitive tasks.

If you’re looking for performance Memu Play is here to provide, you just need to make sure your PC/Laptop hardware is up for it. Undoubtedly, Memu play is most capable Android Gaming Emulator out there and a worthy contender to stand in this list of best Android emulators.

Download Memu Play (Free)

Also Read: How to install Windows on Android

6. LeapDroid

After being acquired by Google, LeapDroid has been shutdown/discontinued for some reason. Well, it is still available on various other websites for download and is still an equally powerful Android Emulator for gamers as it was before. There’s no doubt we won’t add it here to the list of best android emulators.

Apart from providing great performance while gaming, what users most loved about it was that it allowed users to play multiple instances of the game simultaneously. If you’re into games like Clash of clans and Clash Royale then you know what I’m talking about. Apart from that, it also provides great customizability. You can choose between graphics rendering engines like OpenGL or DirectX.

For ease of gaming, it has features that include key mapping, settings of gesture details that can be set using the scroll wheel of your mouse. Apart from that, it has full-screen support and screenshot tool so that you can capture your best score and moments in the game.

Download LeapDroid (Free)

7. DROID4x

If your Laptop/PC doesn’t provide enough hardware acceleration to run the above Emulators then Droid4X is here for you. It provides high customizability by letting you set your preferred output resolutions, PPI, and graphics rendering engines. It focuses on giving users what they want viz. pure gaming experience with no annoying ads and extra plugins that other emulators might demand.

There is no need to link your Google account, you can just directly start installing the app and play. You can download apps with the browser integrated with it or sideload it from your PC/Laptop. It also has keymapping that allows you to map any part of your screen with virtual controls of your keyboard. If a game makes use of a virtual stick, then you can choose to map it with the classic WASD key combination on the physical keyboard.

Being well designed for gaming, Droid4X has every aspect of a gaming emulator to be mentioned here in the list of best Android Emulators.

Download Droid4X (Free)

8. AndyOS

Unlike other Emulators out there that don’t give complete access to Google’s operating system, AndyOS is the one that does. It has the ability to give you complete Android experience without any limitations. It supports notifications, widgets, app data syncing and file browsing.

Some of its cool features include remotely controlling the emulator from your physical Android device, key mapping and other various customizability options for a smooth Android experience. If you’re looking for root access, AndyOS has it. You can enable it and use root required applications.

While, you won’t be able to play high graphics games on it, but it is best used for messaging and other low intensive work. However, medium graphic games should run without any frame drop.

Download AndyOS (Free, Pro version for enterprise)


So, this is our compiled list of best Android emulators that you can use. Each emulator has its own advantage and downsides. Apart from that, the performance of the emulator also depends on the CPU and GPU of your PC/Laptop. However, some emulators do provides options to adjust the resolution and DPI settings, but, bottlenecking might cause if your machine is not powerful enough.

Also Read: Android Multiplayer Games



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